The Shakti Shine - February 10th, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.

There's something that we call the 'Drishti Practice' at the studio.

Maybe you've been there for it-- We practice actionable 'gaze' by using a block to look at for the whole practice. It's purposeful, challenging, and memorable.

Yesterday was Day 6 for our teacher trainees, and I asked Maggie to teach the Drishti Practice for the 4:30 class.

I've done the Drishti Practice (DP) many times before- with Maggie, at Shakti Nashville, at Baptiste Level One, to name a few. I've taught the DP many times, as well. 

But this time was different.

I committed to the practice in a way that I haven't before.

I made the commitment to see my block for the entire practice, or if that wasn't available to see the same spot on the back wall and at the top of the front wall. I put a mental pin on these locations so they weren't missable. At first it felt like a commitment I had made before. But here's what changed:

This time I committed to seeing even in the in-between. 

At every possible moment, every pose, every transition I saw my block.

And on a deeper level, this is what I saw:
(These are the unedited notes I made in my phone as soon as practice ended)
+ When I really focused on my block, I couldn’t focus on anything else
+ ‘Vision’ work
+ I had to slow down or I’d get dizzy
+ In order to really see I had to pay attention
+ Saw from diff angles / perceptions / all sides
+ Poses felt like expressions instead of forms
+ Felt grounded / clear
+ Felt cooling / calming / connected
+ Required Softening
+ Gentle gaze = sustainable gaze
+ Hold without gripping
+ I gained access to noticing my breath in a more natural way
+ My block became the most important thing- above my preferences
+ Ended up giving support / comfort / an inner knowing
+ Nothing else mattered - it felt worth it to adapt and adjust in order to see

I was left feeling whole, complete, and reminiscent of the parallel between what had just transpired and my journey with the studio.

Shakti Power Yoga Athens feels like my block in the DP. The past three years have required learning a new way of commitment. In the way that my old way of being was quick, fast, and 'efficient,' my new way of being has transformed into (more) grounded, slow(er), soft(er), less reactive, and it feels like an inner knowingness.

For the past three years I haven't had the capacity to focus on anything else. I've had to learn to slow down, because when I speed up my life feels dizzy.

Every day I see a new angle, a missing piece, a possible opportunity. Seeing in new ways has required that I adjust according to my seeing; it's meant making the studio the most important thing, above my preferences. 

It's like in Baptiste Methodology when it talks about Come From You Are Ready Now it also says 'Make the Higher Call at each step.' Yeah, it feels like that.

My focus has granted me access to expression over form-- I've learned to think about 'What's the feeling we're creating here? What's behind the scenes? What's the impact? What's the culture? What's the bigger picture?' instead of 'Does this look right? Will they get it? Will this make money?' It's the difference of coming from 'Right Now is All I've Got' versus the fear of missing out or messing up.

When I view my work with a gentle gaze, I feel cooler, calmer, less intense. There's room to breathe, create and transform. That feels sustainable.

The studio is something I hold in the palm of my hands, but I've learned that I can't grip or it squeezes out all the joy. I've learned to trust what I see- without needing to hold on too tightly.

Three years in, it gives me support and comfort in ways that make all the difference, and I am learning to receive that. 

I'm learning to bring my practice from the mat into my life. I can see that I've been missing what's been right in front of me because I wasn't seeing in the in-between. And all it took was an hour on my mat to get clear.

Vision work is happening all the time and it builds over time, and I'm really grateful at this moment that the effects are something I'm starting to see more clearly because I'm choosing to notice.

It takes a big commitment to set your sights on what you want to have happen and be for it. It's a process, a journey, and a daily lesson. It's dynamic, confronting, terrifying, exhilarating, present. It even feels like it slows down time. And over time, it makes things that were once too close to wholly see a little farther zoomed out, so you can see the bigger picture in fuller clarity and reminisce on the parallels of your life and your practice that have been happening all along.

Here's to seeing, even in the in-between.


Beyond the mat...

We love Athens. 
And we love you.
So let's have more of that-- together.

Here's where you can see what we're up to outside of the studio.

Have ideas about where we should be / what we should check out / how we can show up?
Reply to this email to let us know.


Galentine's is the sweaty-fun-femme event of the year.

Grab your girlfriends, and save your spot today.

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Get a taste of teacher training:

These weekends are intended for anyone who is considering our upcoming teacher training, anyone who is curious about the Shakti 'Power Yoga' practice, anyone looking to deepen their yoga practice, any already certified yoga teachers wanting a refresher and continuing education YA credits, our currently enrolled trainees.

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Sign up for teacher training!

LEAD WITH LOVE - 200 HR RYT Summer Immersion with Ruby

 2 weeks. 200 hours.
2,000,000 moments of possibility.

June 13-19 & July 11-17
@ Shakti Yoga Athens

* Apply by March 1 to receive 30% off of a Bmat

Learn More & Apply!


New Blog //

The Power of No.
By: Maya Cherry



Read More

~ Inquiry Corner ~

Baptiste Methodology- This is why we do what we do. It's the foundation of the style of yoga we offer and sets the stage for our Up to Something Bigger attitude. Everything from how to show up, practices & techniques, and the structures to support.

What is True North Alignment? Why does it matter? Does it translate off the mat?

In this week's IGTV, Emily breaks down TNA and shares why it's such an important piece of what we do.

Check it out!
Y'all sign up for the text thread for inquiry corner? It's where Emily sends you weekly inquiry questions so you can stay in the work!

Text 'inquiry corner' to 31996, if not. 

And watch our IGTV video for more info about this week's topic.

sign up to get inquiry reminders via text

Ruby Chandler