Shakti Shine <3---October 6th

I took several walks to figure out what I wanted to share with you all this week.
I walked outside, meditated, procrastinated, and eventually I accepted that the only thought coming to mind was

…I don’t know.

I worried I must be missing something.

Then I remembered some words from Baron Baptiste,
We start to get comfortable with not knowing when we remove the idea that there’s something wrong with it.”

Our desires to know what comes next, to know when, how, and where help us play it safe. If we knew all the answers, our next steps, and the solutions we can’t get it “wrong” and we won’t feel uncomfortable. (FYI perfection’s an illusion)

“This keeps us squarely in the realm of our head, where our power to create gets squelched and the messages from our own heart get drowned out.”

When have you been in a situation where you didn’t know the outcome?
How do you typically navigate these times?
What keeps you from anxiously scrambling for answers?

Our questions deserve answers. Our desire for answers is not a flaw, but our quest for answers can become messy when we follow our mind instead of our heart.

Manifestation tells us that our thoughts create reality…maybe…
but I like to believe that the universe speaks the language of our hearts, and that the heart’s language is spoken without words…rendering all the extra chatter…irrelevant at times.

How does it feel to know something in your heart?

For me, I just know. It doesn’t have to add up, it doesn’t need proof, and it can’t always be explained.

So, place your hands over your heart.
Take several breaths to acknowledge it’s wisdom.
Close your eyes and say, “IDK, Do you?”
Turn the volume down in your mind and
receive the wisdom of your heart.

It’s okay to be uncertain and to search for answers with curiosity,
but remember the real compass for life is your heart. 

Sweat with you soon, 

Lucy Stelmack