The Shakti Shine - September 14th, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.


When you know, you know.

I bet you've heard that before, right? I feel like people have always said that to me about love, or rather, about finding 'the one.' And I used to really think that was bullshit. 

But ya know what? This practice has proven me otherwise.

There is a sort of INNER KNOWING that emerges when we're willing to do some digging, some inner scrubbing you could say.

(I can't remember if I've written about this yet. I know I've mentioned it in some classes. But my Costar Astrology app was telling me for months this summer to SCRUB OUT YOUR INSIDES. Which seemed aggressive. And honestly it's felt aggressive, too, but damn I feel scrubbed out and clear!)

It's definitely not about finding 'the one.'

But it is about listening for what's true.

The practice of yoga helps because it's a practice that teaches us to listen-- through movement, meditation & inquiry.

Multi-dimensional listening.

That's what gives access to inner knowing, I think.

Ok and THEN you have to LET YOURSELF KNOW.

That's the toughest part for me, because if I let myself know then I usually (always) have to do something about it. And that's scary. But also exciting. But usually really scary first.

The longer I stay consistently in this work-- practicing, listening, scrubbing, actioning-- the more alive I feel. 

So it's like the difference between LIVING your life and letting your life follow a script.

We always have a choice.

So you get to decide.

I think this is coming up for me right now because I know it can feel so so hard, the scrubbing out of your insides. And collectively we're in a season of scrubbing. And I know it feels so so hard.

I just wanted to remind you that there's something to all of that digging. There's something to getting on your mat every day, taking time to get still, and asking all the questions. 

Your INNER KNOWING is in there.

Trust yourself.
Trust your gut.
Practice and listen and scrub and put into action.
Do the thing.
Let yourself KNOW.
One day at a time.

And when you know, you'll know.


+ What practices are you consistently engaged in right now? Do they help you with your inner scrubbing? 

+ Have you ever just KNOWN something? What was it? What was that experience like? How did you know? 

+ Where do you feel KNOWING in your body? What's the sensation? How is it different from thinking?

+ What would you do if you could really TRUST yourself in action? Be specific. Maybe it's something you can do this week.

The Weekly Work
This is where we bring yoga off the mat together
1. Sign up for antiracism daily

2. Pre-order Rachel Rickett's new book, DO BETTER

3. Find someone new to learn from!
(Reply and let us know who you find and what you're learning!)

Have suggestions for The Weekly Work? Send them our way!

Inquiry Corner w Emily on IGTV!

Emily is gearing up for her annual fall Intuitive Eating workshop. 

For the next few weeks on IC she'll share What is Inuitive Eating? Why is it important? What will her workshop be like? Should you sign up?

Stay tuned to dive deeper!

Get 2 Weeks Free Online

We're not very good at Facebook... But we love Slack!
So we'd like to invite you to 
join our member community on Slack
- Here you can connect with each other, we'll post journaling & inquiry prompts, and you'll have easier access to reach us

Join our Slack

Join us for outdoor yoga
at Creature Comforts!

Every Wednesday Now-October
$10 recommended donation - cash$ or venmo @creaturecomforts - 
no sign up required - see you there!


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Ruby Chandler