The Shakti Shine - July 27, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.


You can start fresh right now.

I don't know who needs to hear this right now. Maybe just me. Maybe you, too. Maybe it's just because the world can feel out of control and it's nice to have a reminder that this life is ours. And by 'ours' I mean the way we see, treat ourselves and each other, learn and grow is always up to us:

You can begin again at any moment. Even this moment right now.

Every breath is a new opportunity to reclaim, emerge, energize, discover. 

Breathe in
Breathe out

What's present?

Remember that:
You are never stuck.

No, not really anyway. It may feel like that sometimes, and that makes sense. Your heart understands what's possible and your brain believes that what it knows keeps you safe.

Thank you brain. -- We're gonna be ok.
Thank you heart. -- I'm listening.

If you're open and you pay attention, you'll see that there's something being said right now. There's something to listen to. Maybe it's a sound or a feeling or a phrase or something your friend texted you or this email or the number on the time or the placement of the stars or the way that flower blossomed this morning on your walk around the block. Maybe it's all of it. Maybe there's more.

Maybe there's more.

Maybe there's more for you to discover, so keep listening. Keep seeing. Keep feeling. And trust yourself.

Beginning again doesn't have to mean that you flip your whole life upside down. But at some point maybe you do. 

Trust yourself.

There's a reason that thing is tugging your heart, so don't ignore it anymore. And if you don't feel that tug, sit a little longer.

When is the last time you sat just to sit? To meditate? To listen?

Do that.

Let yourself be.

You'll know when the timing feels right to say 'fuck it' and do the thing that's been tugging at your heart that you didn't even realize had been tugging at your heart so hard.

We're not in a hurry.

I'm right here.
I'm not going anywhere.

... is something that I tell myself often.
Put a hand on your heart and try.

Beginning again can be as simple as beginning a new day. Or making the choice to re-begin your day right now. And maybe later you re-begin again. That's perfect.

There's nowhere to get to, so you're definitely going to get there.

You know, the there that you know but don't have details for. Let it be.

Your heart will guide you there.

So what would it be like to let your heart guide you today? Right now? What would you do? Pause. Look around. Close your eyes. Open. Listen. Trust. Do.

This is a brand new beginning.



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The Weekly Work
This is where we bring yoga off the mat together
1. Watch this video on Allyship fatigue by @brandonkgood - It's a privilege to choose when you engage or disengage ~ Let's hold ourselves personally accountable for staying present to the work that needs to be done.

2. Listen to Prince Puja on Bandcamp & Spotify - Puja (they/them) is a yoga teacher / musician / artist currently living in Glendale, California. They lead Kirtan music that is soothing and cooling for these hot July days. 

3. Speak up - Tell Gov. Kemp to cancel rent - The effects of COVID-19 are continuing to unravel; people are continuing to be evicted from their homes for not being able to afford rent. American Friends Service Committee makes it easy to send an email to our Governor. Just enter your info & click SEND.  

Ruby Chandler