The Shakti Shine - July 20, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.


In teacher training we talk a lot about WHO WE ARE.

Who are you? Who am I? Who are we together?

The more I do this work the more I realize just how much time and energy we all spend covering up our truest selves. Every time I participate in or lead a training I realize parts of myself I've been hiding. I realize things I've been covering up in order to be more palatable, more likable, and to avoid change (which is inherently scary and uncertain). Sometimes it's the same shit; sometimes I discover something new that I haven't seen before.

One question we come back to multiple times over training is:

What's the cost of being inauthentic?

For me inauthenticity always costs me freedom. It costs energy. Power. Vitality. Intimacy. Fullness. Peace. Joy. Ease. Understanding.

When I'm not my full self, then I'm not able to live freely, successfully, or happily within or throughout the world.

That makes sense. So why do I spend so much time covering up? Why do I see other people doing the same? How can we reclaim our authentic selves?

When it comes to reclaiming authenticity, it's important to reconsider the structures that are in place.

Structure supports creativity.

Or it can totally shut it off.

It's part of why having a consistent yoga practice (physical, meditation, inquiry and/or action) is so powerful.

The structure itself creates space for uncovering.

AND not all structures or systems are well-designed to support that kind of awakening and freedom.

So we have to think critically about the systems in place from the top-down, bottom to top and inside-out-- for our individual selves and our collective environment.

I know for me, and I would guess for you too, I want to live in a world where I can be my fullest self and allow others to do the same. That sounds like it would feel like freedom.

So how can we start?

I look at the structures in my life-- like my schedule, my social norms, my relationship patterns, my movement and self-discovery practices-- and I ask:

Does this support my most creative, most alive, most authentic self?

And when the answer is no, I have a choice. I can keep doing things the way I've always done them, maybe with a few tweaks, and keep experiencing life in the same way... 

OR I can begin again. I can create and commit to new systems, new structures that feel like possibility and leave room for discovery in every way.

I've gotta be honest, it's a tough call sometimes. AND YET. The cost is way too high to just keep hiding.

So here's to reclaiming our most authentic selves.

Here's to more freedom. Energy. Power. Vitality. Intimacy. Fullness. Peace. Joy. Ease. Understanding.

Here's to creating something new.



get the workshop

The Weekly Work
This is where we bring yoga off the mat together
1. Journal: 
+ What's the cost of being inauthentic?
+ How do you know when you're being authentic? What does authenticity feel like?

+ What systems hold you back from being your truest self?
+ What systems in your life support your creativity?
+ What kind of systems do you need to implement in order to access the fullest expression of your authentic self?

2. Donate to Athens Community Fridge mutual aid initiative - This is like a little free pantry, but it's a refrigerator-- Give what you can, Take what you need. It's located outside of Caledonia Lounge. You can donate funds here or just go put some food in the fridge anytime!

3. Discover a queer black artist to support (musician, visual, etc)! Purchase an album or piece of art, send an encouraging word, donate a few dollars, and share with your friends!

Fall 2020 Teacher Training!!!


This program consists of 8 weekends with
lead facilitator Ruby Chandler
and co-facilitators Maggie Scruggs & Emily Unwin.

+ 4 weekends will be in person at The Studio in Athens, GA
(pending health & safety precautions due to COVID-19)

+ 3 weekends will be online 

+ 1 retreat weekend with the Duality Project in Blue Ridge, GA 

Dates of training:
SEPTEMBER 12-13, 26-27
OCTOBER 10-11, 24-25
NOVEMBER 7-8, 21-22
DECEMBER 5-6, 12-13


"My Shakti Yoga University training was exactly everything I wanted and also so much more than I could have imagined. The value of this training is unparalleled. The training fundamentally changed the way that I practice yoga while also equipping me with the tools, resources, and support that I need to teach yoga moving forward."- EMILY N

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Ruby Chandler