The Shakti Shine - May 18th, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.


I think it's reasonable to say that 2020 has been a year of CHANGE.

We're only almost halfway through and change seems to be the only constant.

It's got me thinking about the nature of change.

There are changes that happen all of a sudden, far beyond our control. There are changes we choose, that we make happen. Then there are the small changes that are happening all the time, moment to moment, adding up to something bigger.

My yoga practice has taught me that it's important to have landing points to check in and get present to change. And you know what I've found?

Change is a lot less scary if I get familiar with it.

I'm also fairly certain that the only reason we can notice change at all is because we recognize and have created time-- the past and the future give us the perspective of change. Change is a concept we made up to compare what's present with what was. 

So I guess that means that in order to get familiar with change, I have to first get familiar with the present moment.

There are generally two ways I notice that I handle change when it comes up:
1- I resist. I try hard to keep the old way. I create friction, internally and externally.
2- I let it be. I bring my whole self into the moment and meet change as it occurs. I allow life to flow.

Two months in quarantine has taught me what it's like to choose the latter.

It's obvious right now because the changes have been huge, unavoidable, but I wonder what could happen if we welcomed the changes that unfold moment-to-moment?

What if we let it be?
What would happen if we allowed ourselves to get familiar with the present moment?
What would happen if we allowed ourselves to get familiar with change?

I know for me, the things I get familiar with are often a lot less scary.

And then with enough noticing and practice of looking for change, maybe I stop expecting things to stay the same. Maybe there's freedom there.

I feel like there's been a softening in that way for me lately-- showing up to each moment exactly as it is with whatever challenges it presents. There's been enough space to let life flow, and I feel like I have really leaned into knowing that the changes that need to happen will naturally occur.

All I have to do is hold space for the opening.

We've all become quite familiar with change over the past 62 days.

(Whether you've acknowledged it or not, you're doing a great job.)

Honestly, I contribute all of the success of this community over these two months to our collective ability to embrace change, to meet the present moment exactly as it is and to show up.
Thank you for being in the practice of yoga and for teaching me in this way.

More than ever I see clearly:
If change is always possible, then we are never stuck.
If change is always possible, then our community can move forward together.
If change is always possible, then all we have to do is start right here, now.

Open yourself to the possibility of change. It's been here for you all along.

Notice, acknowledge, recognize, and honor all the change that has brought you here.
Consider that all of it was necessary to bring you here, and here you are.

Changed. Present. Ready for more.


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Ruby Chandler