The Shakti Shine - March 4th, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.

There are some things in life that feel beyond words--
The community that we have created together is one of those things.

And the only two words that really seem to matter are: Thank you.

Thank you for showing up.

Thank you for trusting me.
Thank you for trusting us.
Thank you for trusting yourself.

Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your sweat.
Thank you for your tears when they come, maybe unexpected, always right on time.

Thank you for your open-armed twists, your handstand hops, and your knees-down chaturangas.

Thank you for your ujjayi (breath).
Thank you for your drishti (gaze).
Thank you for your tapas (fire).

Thank you for scooting your mat over a few more inches so we can fit 1 more person in the room.
Thank you for introducing yourself to your neighbor.
Thank you for bringing your friends and your family and your partners along, too.

Thank you for buying memberships and mats and shirts.
Thank you for reading the Shine, our blogs, our website.
Thank you for liking our posts on instagram and for commenting, too.

Thank you for sending us song requests, paragraphs that made you think of us, and yoga memes.
Thank you for sharing the lobby, the hall, the cubbies, the bathroom, and the yoga room with eachother.

Thank you for laughing at my jokes.
Thank you for answering honestly when I ask you how you are.
Thank you for sharing when and how a class really lands.

Thank you for being here-- for a day, a season, 3 years.
Thank you for the way you shine, even when you may not realize it.
Thank you for sharing your story-- one class, one nugget at a time.

Thank you for coming along for the ride, for being a YES to us and a stand for our greatness.
Thank you for stepping into something bigger with us and for yourself.

Thank you.

When I don't know what to say, gratitude speaks. The deep appreciation I feel for how you've made Shakti Athens possible and your contribution to our space is imbedded in my bones at this point. We're at 1,096 days of Shakti Athens only because of you. I hope you can hear, feel, receive, and believe me here. Because I know it's easy to read words or hear something nice, but it's a whole other thing to 
R E C E I V E  it. And small businesses like Shakti can't run without people like you to back us up. Your support is never taken for granted. You are Shakti. And the magic of what we've created together requires me, you, us to show up fully, courageously, purposefully, intentionally, consistently, and with presence. Everything we need is right here. It feels good to know we're in this together.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here's to many more years of #shaktilove.


Ways to celebrate our birthday with us:

Come to class!

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Invite a friend to try Shakti

Buy a membership

Upgrade to an unlimited membership w/ a friend for the 'same household' rate of $90/person per month

Read about our Values

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Sign up for teacher training! Apply now!

LEAD WITH LOVE - 200 HR RYT Summer Immersion with Ruby

 2 weeks. 200 hours.
2,000,000 moments of possibility.

June 13-19 & July 11-17
@ Shakti Yoga Athens

Learn More & Apply!

~ Inquiry Corner ~

Intuitive exercise - IGTV for the next few weeks leading up to Emily's next workshop will focus on Intuitive Eating as it relates to exercise.

Tune in to learn more about how exercise can be a vehicle for energy, peace of mind, strength, flexibility, and most importantly, joy! 

Text 'inquiry corner' to 31996.

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Shakti Love.

Ruby Chandler