The Shakti Shine - March 23rd, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.

On Thursday something clicked.

I went from thinking of our current circumstance as temporary to remembering the truth of what is: knowing deep in my bones that only what is here is real -- and this is what's here.

This is it.

I felt the shift in my brain and I saw the shift in my actions. My acceptance gave way to even more space (can you believe it?), and I started to notice some changes.

1 - I haven't been in a hurry to do anything. I've gotten everything done and there's been no need to rush.

2 - In our physical separateness I feel so much support and love. It's made me wonder why I couldn't feel it quite the same before. I've decided it's because I used to always be in a hurry. But now I have space to absorb what's right in front of me.

3 - My feelings are a little less extreme when I stop trying to resist them. The waves are present as always, but when I let them be my anxiousness isn't as all-consuming, my gratitude doesn't have to override everything else. I can be sad, happy, angry, frustrated, loving, fulfilled, and worried all throughout the day and that's ok.

4 - My feelings are more clear. I think this is also because of not being in a hurry. The best example is how clearly I feel connected, warm, and grateful when we are practicing together and how clearly I feel lonely the moment I log off of each class. *I miss you so much*

5- My eyes are tired but my energy is vital! My phone told me I spent an average of 5 hours 36 minutes on my screen each day last week (I think that doesn't include computer time). *Please send blue light glasses recs* But I've also noticed that I have the energy to do what's right in front of me. I've had the energy to do laundry, go for walks, stay up late, wake up early, teach from my mat every day, lead 15 hours of virtual teacher training...

6 - Direction makes room for creativity. Each new decision I've made for Shakti has opened up new avenues of creativity and excitement. It feels good to generate purpose in a time that feels so uncertain. 

These are just a few changes I'm noticing, and there are more every day. 

This isn't 'fake life.' This isn't an alternate reality. This isn't short-term temporary.

This is it.

This is our new normal.

It's time to step into it fully.

Keep taking your vitamins. Keep drinking lots of water. Keep washing your hands. Take a deep breath.


What changes are you noticing in your self and in your life?
Reply so we can talk about it!

An extra note:


Maggie, Emily, and I are so thrilled to see you virtually every day.
Know that we are here for you.

We are paving a path forward for Shakti that feels uncertain and exciting. Even though we can't be with you physically, we feel your presence and support.

Keep reaching out when you have ideas, questions, or gratitude. 

We can do hard things together.

And while we may be separate, you are never alone.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything Shakti (or I) can do for you. 

If you or someone you know needs financial support to be able to practice with us from home right now, please reach out or fill out our 
Shakti Scholarship form.

Thank you for giving your presence, love, and financial support that makes Shakti possible and so magical.

Some Notes:

  • If you are already a Shakti member, your membership will be adjusted accordingly to the new Live Stream membership as of today.

  • If you are on a Shakti Scholarship your membership will adjust if applicable

  • If you are on 4x per month, reply to this email to upgrade to *Unlimited Live Stream for only $5 more per month

  • If you are on 8x per month, your membership will be adjusted automatically to unlimited

  • If you would like to continue to support us at your normal rate, please reply to this email (and Thank you!)

  • If  you want to help support Shakti Scholarships at this time, venmo us at @shaktiyogaathens 

  • All current members should have received an email with a link to free Shakti @ Home downloadable audio classes. If it's not, reply to this message for the link.

    • If you are not a member, you can access Shakti @ Home here.

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our Shakti collaborative playlist for us to build together while we're apart:

contribute to our collab playlist

Ruby Chandler