The Shakti Shine - March 9th, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.

Here's something I'm really waking up to: 


Now Here has been my mantra, and it feels like I'm starting to take my power back--

...from the future, from the past, from my own worries, from concerns, from worst-case-made-up scenarios, from insecurities, from false truths, from guilt, from fear.

I've been noticing just how much time and energy we (as people) spend leaving and avoiding the present.

It comes up in our language, in our body language, in our actions, in our thoughts, and in all of our interactions.

Leading teacher training this semester has heightened my ability to sense 'not here' quickly and with a sharpness. In teacher training especially I see it in our declarations. We have a practice of 'I give up _____, and I commit to _____.' as a way to access clarity and purpose in any moment.

The practice is simple. 

And this is what it typically sounds like...
'I am giving up...'
'I want to give up...'
'I'm gonna give up...'
'What I will give up is...'

To which I ask back, 'When?'

Sometimes they hear it, sometimes they don't know what I'm referring to because whatever they said they thought it meant 'I give up,' but it's just not the same. So they'll try again and again and sometimes it takes multiple tries to get the brain to simplify and get present. 'I give up ____.' No buts. No exceptions. No running away. Just. Right. Now.

And you know what? The moment they get it-- the moment it comes out 'I give up _____, and I commit to _____.' there is a clarity, a power, a connectedness that permeates that moment so deeply and intensely. In that exact moment, whatever they just said feels absolutely possible-- and more.

We give ourselves the same kind of runaround all the time-- at work, in our leadership, at home, with our friends.

I notice it especially in myself when someone says something to me that feels off-- my default is to let whatever strikes me 'roll off,' and by 'roll off' what really means is I store it, think about it, and can be found still talking about it days maybe even weeks later.

The switch for me has been to speak clearly, directly to the person or issue involved and presently (aka as soon as possible).

And you know what? When I am present there is more space for me to be honest. 

I'm left feeling complete, connected to myself, like I can breathe.

In that moment I feel clear and powerful.

It's simple, and it's right now.


Where in your life are you leaving and avoiding the present moment?
How can you act from Now Here?
What could be possible?

Consider that it's time to take your power back.


Beyond the mat...

We love Athens. 
And we love you.
So let's have more of that-- together.

Here's where you can see what we're up to outside of the studio.

Have ideas about where we should be / what we should check out / how we can show up?
Reply to this email to let us know.

Spring Break is here!

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shakti @ home

Sign up for teacher training! Apply now!

LEAD WITH LOVE - 200 HR RYT Summer Immersion with Ruby

 2 weeks. 200 hours.
2,000,000 moments of possibility.

June 13-19 & July 11-17
@ Shakti Yoga Athens

Learn More & Apply!

Upcoming workshop & event series!

New Blog:
Create Space for Something New
By: Maggie Scruggs

The intention of this blog is to give a brief recap of the main two pieces of Baptiste Power Yoga Methodology we examined [in Maggie's workshop] and to answer questions that emerged from the workshop.

In this blog you'll learn about True North Alignment (TNA) & the 5 Organizing Principles of TNA. Maggie breaks it down w/ videos & an FAQ section.

Read More

Teacher Trainee Spotlight!
๐ŸŒฟ Emily Nicholos ๐ŸŒฟ

๐ŸŒฑWhat has been the highlight of teacher training so far?

Practice teaching- being challenged and encouraged by my fellow trainees to teach BIG and to take up space with my body and voice.
๐ŸŒฑWhat has been the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge has been getting out of my head and remaining present in each and every moment- both to myself and to those around me.

๐ŸŒฑWhat are you waking up to in your life?

I am waking up to the love, energy, and brightness of life when it is lived in openness and vulnerability with others.

~ Inquiry Corner ~

This week Emily discusses inquiry questions that form the basis of a โ€œmovement inventory.โ€ 

In other words, what questions do you need to consider when unpacking your relationship to movement and exercise?

Watch on IGTV
& Text 'inquiry corner' to 31996.

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Ruby Chandler