The Shakti Shine - December 31, 2018

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing. I love that! And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.

New Year, same you. (thank goodness)

In class last week, Maggie talked about the difference between the law of manifestation vs. the law of attraction. Basically, attraction draws something external to you while manifestation pulls something already internal to the surface.

That's what I like to think of when I think of New Years Resolutions. Except I don't set resolutions. I like to choose a word. It's like setting an intention at the beginning of yoga class. This word becomes my intention for the year. It's what I desire to manifest, what I want to bring forth to the surface of my life.

I've been doing this new year's practice since college, and wow does it surprise me every single year....

In 2013 my word was LOVE. This was the pivotal time in my life when I really began to give love in an open way. I started choosing love, even when I felt the fear creep up into my chest that told me to be careful. I started to open myself to the possibility of loving without reserve, telling people 'I love you,' allowing intimate, honest and vulnerable relationships. I began to truly see how to love myself, too.

For 2014, I chose TRUST. This year I finished college, lived in a yoga studio, joined Tinder, got a big girl job, quit my big girl job, led my first women's retreat, and packed my bags for L.A. I think that pretty much sums it up. And yeah, I learned a whole lot about Trust...

In 2015 my word was EXPANSIVE and, let's be honest, that shit was for the birds. Just kidding. It was really awesome. I was braver than I ever imagined I could be. I took stand upon stand for my truth. I put myself out there (on the west coast, literally). I made things work. I kept up. Then I moved to Athens on 2-weeks notice. I slowed down. It really was expansive. I mean, I literally drove across the country. Twice.

In 2016 I chose JOY. In all things. My intention was to be completely dedicated to all of my endeavors and to do so with a joyful heart-- a singing soul, an effervescent spirit. Joy was definitely present in my year, but in many unexpected ways. It wasn't how I thought it was supposed to be. I thought I would be carefree and exposed. I thought Joy was like a firecracker, but my Joy in 2016 was different. Joy looked a lot like Normalcy. Joy was being comfortable in my home, loving the people I surrounded myself with, and choosing powerfully. Joy was cooking for friends and letting myself rest. Joy was not worrying about things I can't control. Joy was realizing and accepting my own competency. Joy was showing up and figuring it out as I go. Joy was touch and laughter and love.

For 2017 my word was AUDACITY. The willingness to take bold risks. Daring, brave, bold, courageous-- and, well, I made Shakti Athens happen. I learned how to be bold, vulnerable, honest, and candid. I got uncomfortable and stayed uncomfortable. I said 'I love you' a lot.

Last year my word was RADIANT. I learned to radiate a lot of patience. I brought light to unclear corners and unwrapped a lot of darkness. I felt lightness in my spirit and fullness in my purpose. I said 'I don't know' and 'Tell me more' more than ever, and I think those words punctured new entryways for light to filter in and radiate out. I feel brighter.


So here's a proposition. let's do something different. I invite you to drop the New Year, New You mentality this year. Because truthfully, you're really great as you. You don't need to lose any weight. You don't need to be 'more interesting.' You don't need to prove to anyone that you like to read. You don't need to resolve something in order to be a better person... Your best person is already here.

It's simple. Choose a word, and see where it takes you. There is no right or wrong. There is no good or bad words. You can post your word on your refrigerator to see it every day or write it on the last day of your planner so you don't see it again until the year ends.

Here we go. Choose a word and tell someone. Reply to this email and tell me.
2019 is ready for you.


Beyond the mat...

We love Athens.
And we love you.
So let's have more of that-- together.

Here's where you can see what we're up to outside of the studio.

Have ideas about where we should be / what we should check out / how we can show up?
Reply to this email to let us know.


The studio's words for the year were Presence, Purpose, & Possibility.

In 2018 our team became a haven of connection, grace, and love and our students (you) became our chosen family.

Cheers to a sweaty new year of authentic connection, courage, and growth!

2018 included...

25,179 students
10,500 minutes of meditation (in 1 month... so 10,500x12 )
2,374 classes
1,433 new faces

30 empowered teachers
30 workshops
12 SYU teacher trainees
10+ impactful community events
8 smiling desk teammates
5 strong & soft class assistants

5 retreats with tDP & SPY
4 community challenges
3+ community partnerships
3 on campus classes

1 new manager (hey, Mags)
Lots of laughs
Lots of honesty
Lots and lots and lots of gratitude
And a very happy place to call home!

Start 2019 sweaty, smiling, & strong!
Use MindBody to sign up, show up if you're on a waitlist because we usually have room, & email us if you need any extra support.

Shakti Spring Schedule starts Monday, January 7th

Check it out.

Join us for a program designed to take you on a journey that gives you tools to dissolve stress, worry, and old habits in order to create a happier, authentic life.

Delve deeper into your practice with yoga, meditation, journaling, nutrition awareness, community discussions, weekly themes, and self-reflection and discover the mental & physical benefits of yoga in a whole new way.

*only 22 spots available*

sign up

Get the benefits of your practice everywhere you go when you take Shakti to-go...

practice now

Wanna know why we Om?
Juliana explains Om & Namastรฉ in this week's blog so you can start the new year in confident declaration.

read the blog


Ruby Chandler