Here are a few pro tips that may be helpful on your first few visits to the studio!


How can I prepare before class?

Remember to hydrate before and after practice by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Give yourself time to digest a meal or snack before class. You know your body best. How and when do you need to fuel yourself to feel your best during exercise?

What do I need to wear?

Comfortable, athletic-style clothing is recommended – You will sweat! You’ll need a mat, mat towel, & water.

What can I expect during my first class?

Remember, everyone had a first time, and we're all beginners, really. Flexibility is not a prerequisite, so show up open and willing. And most importantly, don't be too hard on yourself.  Deciding to begin a yoga practice is a choice to change your life. Driving to the studio and choosing to roll out your mat is the hardest part. The rest is breath!


All of our classes are for all levels, first time yogis to lifetime practitioners. That being said, YinPower and Revival move at a slower pace, and might feel more accessible than a Power class or Shakti Strength. iRest and Restorative are both completely passive classes and are also perfect for beginners.


Baptiste Power Yoga is an invigorating, total body vinyasa-style of yoga. You’re going to flow, move with your breath, and sweat! In most classes, you will practice in 85-87 degrees of dry, radiating heat from the ceiling, like the sun! We use heat as a catalyst for transformation. Check out our history page to learn more about the history of yoga and Shakti’s style of yoga- Baptiste Power Yoga.


Come talk with us, either through or chat with us at the front desk. We want you to be able to practice yoga.


We have a few favorite teachers, linked here, who post incredible content on yoga philosophy! If you’d like a brief overview of yogic history, check out this page. You can also check out some texts (you can find all of these books through Avid’s online bookstore). Here’s where we’d recommend beginning:

  • Embrace Yoga’s Roots by Susanna Barkataki

  • Skill in Action by Michelle Cassandra Johnson

  • Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown

  • The Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele  

  • The Bhagavad-Gita

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

  • Light on Life by BKS Iyengar

  • Being of Power by Baron Baptiste

What’s OM? why do you chant it?

Susanna Barkataki says it best. Check out this article on mantra and how to honor the practice of chanting mantra. One of our teachers, Julianna, wrote a lovely blog post about Om, too!

Why don’t y’all say “Namaste” at the end of class?

Again, Susanna Barkataki says it best, so please visit her website for a full explanation. As well, if able, compensate Susanna for the labor she put into making these blog posts!

how can i get yoga while quarantining or socially distancing?

  • Sign up on the Momence app for our live classes hosted via Zoom! More information below. We host 18 classes/week

  • Go to Shakti at Home for pre-recorded classes and meditations

  • We host meditations in the morning on our Instagram Live - check out our IGTV channel for more!

  • We will occasionally stream live classes on our Instagram story! Follow us @shaktiyogaathens for updates

How do I sign up for a LIve zoom class?

  1. Check the schedule on Momence each day for our updated schedule

  2. Sign up on the Momence app to attend

    • This is just like you would sign up for an in-studio class

  3. Make sure you're signed up BEFORE 30 minutes prior to the class start time so we can send you the link to join

  4. You’ll receive a join link via email 10-15 mins before the class start time!

  • If you or someone you know hasn't been to the studio before, you can purchase our First Timer deal - 4 weeks for $40!

  • Help us spread the word!

    • Post about us on your socials, tell your friends, forward this email - This is an opportunity to spread the #ShaktiLove near and far and cultivate community in a time of need

What if I’m not a member?

Online Drop in’s are $10; Or you can use an existing membership or package / purchase a new one. We’re offering unlimited Zoom memberships at $40/month! And as always, see our pricing page for Scholarship options. If you or someone you know hasn't been to the studio before, you can purchase our First Timer deal - 4 weeks for $40!

How do I create a home practice space?

Check out Emily’s IGTV on creating a home practice space. She’s got some useful tips and tricks, but for starters, create a clean and clear space, turn off distractions, and light a candle. You’re good to go. :)

How often should I be practicing yoga?

Yoga is a practice that serves you best when done consistently. Practicing yoga 3-5x/week is recommended. And, what fits with your schedule and budget? What fits with how active you like to be? What fits with your spiritual practice? Your yoga practice should fit your needs. Need help? Email Check out Emily’s response on a sustainable practice.

How does diet culture influence yoga?

Excellent question. We’ve written a bit about this in our blog! Here’s a good place to start.

What is the right class for me?

Check out our decision tree.


have other questions?

We have answers! If you have any questions we haven't already answered here, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.