The Shakti Shine - April 6th, 2020

This week it really landed for me how truly connected we are.

You - Me - Us. Even when we're miles apart and meeting through a screen, there's something bigger taking place.

Maggie and I were talking about it on Friday. It makes sense, but at the same time it feels unbelievable. In the same way that every class we teach in person has an energy, every class we teach virtually has an energy, too.

There's something about showing up, coming together at the same time, that transcends.

Maybe you've felt it, too?

I think it has something to do with our collective intention to practice, to move, to connect.

I'm sure it also has everything to do with our already connectedness as a community -- like all the time we've spent sweating, laughing, crying, sharing, hugging, supporting, uplifting, and seeing each other was preparing us for now-- for our virtual reality reality.

I'm grateful for that. Because for me it's an everyday practice to remember that I'm not alone. I may feel lonely sometimes, but I know that's not the same.

Our inherent connectedness means that 'I'm right here' is coming from all directions if I'm listening.

The first tenet of teaching the Baptiste methodology is this:

Come From We Are Connected

Right now more than ever I feel why.

Here are some snippets from me from our collective 4:30 Power Hour on Saturday, as led by me + our SYU teacher trainees, in case you couldn’t make it ⁣(I listened back and transcribed these from the recording for us to remember) :

⁣ ⚡️ Just consider. You’re totally not alone.⁣

☀️ Your contribution is about more than what people see from you.⁣

✨ Connect to what you need. ⁣

💫 Hold space in your energy for something bigger than yourself. ⁣

⭐️ You may not realize it but every time you show up as a yes for yourself, you’re showing up as a yes for your community — and it’s up to you, what is that yes? What’s on the other side of that yes? Be a yes for the things that you say community means— support / love / connection / being seen. ⁣

🌙 I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve built my livelihood on community. (lol) So when everything started progress a few weeks ago, there was no question of ‘if.’ It was only ‘how.’ — Come from We Are Connected, for me, is the only option.Immediately it wasn’t if this could work, it was how we will make it work. And it’s really been remarkable to see and feel and connect with you all in this way. I’m surprised by how connected I can still feel, even in this virtual space-holding.⁣

🌟 You— in action— are the yoga. ⁣
What would your life be like if you could come from We Are Connected? ⁣
Not just now. ⁣
Not just virtually. ⁣
Not just at home.⁣
But on the other side of all this—⁣
in a bigger way. ⁣


What does 'Come From We Are Connected' look like in your life?

What does it feel like?
How is your experience of connection shifting right now?
What's possible?

Reply so we can talk about it!

April pose challenge from home

extra offerings this week

A virtual growth opportunity - hosted by Ruby - starts next week

sign up

inquiry corner / IGTV

This week, Emily gives book recommendations that help her stay in the work while separated from a wider sense of community. ❤️ 

How can we support you?

We really want to know.
Let us know how you're doing and how our community can support you.
Click the button below to fill out a quick 5 minute Google form.

How are you doing?

If you read the Shine every week, this is redundant, but it's important! So here it is again:

An extra note:

People have been asking us: How can I help?

Thank you for that. Thank you for asking. Thank you for being here.

Here's how you can help:

  • Keep showing up

  • Keep supporting us with your presence (and your membership)

  • Keep sharing your practice with your friends and family

  • Keep reaching out when you have ideas, questions, or gratitude

We are paving a path forward for Shakti that feels uncertain and exciting. Even though we can't be with you physically, we feel your presence and support.

We can do hard things together.
And while we may be separate, you are never alone.
We are here for you.


Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything Shakti (or I) can do for you. 

If you or someone you know needs financial support to be able to practice with us from home right now, please reach out or fill out our 
Shakti Scholarship form.

Thank you for giving your presence, love, and financial support that makes Shakti possible and so magical.

Some Notes About our New Way of Being Together:

  • If you are already a Shakti member, your membership will be adjusted accordingly to the new Live Stream membership as of today.

  • If you are on a Shakti Scholarship your membership will adjust if applicable

  • If you are on 4x per month, reply to this email to upgrade to *Unlimited Live Stream for only $5 more per month

  • If you are on 8x per month, your membership will be adjusted automatically to unlimited

  • If you would like to continue to support us at your normal rate, please reply to this email (and Thank you!)

  • If  you want to help support Shakti Scholarships at this time, venmo us at @shaktiyogaathens 

  • All current members should have received an email with a link to free Shakti @ Home downloadable audio classes. If it's not, reply to this message for the link.

    • If you are not a member, you can access Shakti @ Home here.

Sign up for class!

practice now

follow us on instagram for live meditations/classes

reach out


Shakti Love.










Thank you for being here.
We love sharing our journey with you!

See you at the studio soon. 



Ruby Chandler