The Shakti Shine - April 13th, 2020

Shakti Love Notes 

We are always growing.  I love that!  And the more I grow, the more I recognize how important it is for us all to share what we're going through-- even (and especially) me.

So these Love Notes are a space for me to share with you each week-- about the studio, my life, how our community is growing.


I've had some time to do things I wouldn't normally do.

Un-time-bound walks, listen to Liz Gilbert read poetry, The Class w/ Taryn Toomey, listen to posts on instagram of people I don't know sharing their experience, pick up The Power of Now while I wait for my coffee to steep, revisit my past personal blogs, read some internet drama, reconnect with old friends.

And it's been interesting because it seems like *especially* in the more or less unstructured-ness of my days the Universe has really opened up and showed out.

I've uncovered a lot of grief, experienced what it's like to live intuitively (while still able to get the most necessary shit done), and I've reconnected to a piece of myself I most recognize but have left in the shadows of more practical parts of life.

In this harsh reality of COVID I feel tuned in to my soft inner knowing in a way I'd lost contact with a little.

It feels like remembering.

It's cute the way the Universe works. Sometimes in the most unlikely of ways.

This time feels like an unraveling.

In doing some things I wouldn't normally do, here's what's been coming up in everyavenue from every angle:


I can't explain or recreate the luminous thread of congruency that has revealed itself to me in the last three days, but I can share what I'm getting from it.

A lot of what I'm getting is what's been there all along.

I stumbled across a blog I wrote in June 2015. This is what it says:

Surrender. Know that your pride will start to bubble when you do this. Know that you may have a tendency to micro manage your dreams. Know that you like knowing more than anything, that having control makes you feel important. Know these traps of the ego, and surrender them anyway. Surrender again and again, every day. Let go of wants, should's, if only's, owes, have to's. Own your circumstance, and stand powerfully by choosing to surrender this moment to love.

And then this one from one year later:

Yet here you are.

...Chances are you eventually came back to your breath. Chances are the moment passed...inhale, arrive. exhale, let go. inhale, arrive. exhale, let go. inhale, arrive. exhale, let go.

Truthfully, this is where the magic happens-- in the surrender. It's when you find yourself standing in the fire-- alone -- with just your breath. It's when you realize you're in the heart of the flames, yet you choose to stay, because chances are it's not as bad as it looks or feels right now. Because chances are the moment will pass. And then chances are you will know what to do, what to choose, how to respond.

It is in this practice of yoga, this choosing, that your entire life will be transformed. 

And this one from two days ago:
 And anytime an awakening starts to occur, we have a choice. Two options. ⁣

1- close our eyes and pretend we didn’t see anything ⁣

2- choose to take ownership and create a new path forward⁣ 

So here we are: on the precipice of a life-altering revelation, with the possibility of a brand new way. ⁣

This is what I'm getting today:

Surrender is the path forward. It's freedom. It's ease and flow. It comes when I give it space. I choose it when I give myself a real option to choose it. Tolerance for something usually means I care about the human behind that thing. That's love. I can feel the difference between separateness and oneness, and if I'm really paying attention it's loud and clear. Togetherness is most felt in the silence of my own being. And nine times out of ten if I'll surrender, life really starts to flow. I get to be of service to the moment, and really cool moments start to unfold.

And what I'm getting from all of that is the feeling that we're going to be ok.

There's something bigger happening, and I'm probably better off if I'll stop trying to figure it out.

Thanks for being here. Thanks for sharing this journey with me. Thanks for being a space where I can see myself more clearly. I am ~eternally~ grateful.

What are you waking up to?
What would Surrender look like?
How would it feel?
What choice will you make?

Reply so we can talk about it!

I Am My Fortress
By: Caroline Henderson



Read More

inquiry corner / IGTV

 Book Recommendations, Part 2!

Emily shares some of her favorite "for fun" books and a couple more spiritual texts for your shelves. ❤️ 

Always here for you

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An extra note:

People have been asking us: How can I help?

Thank you for that. Thank you for asking. Thank you for being here.

Here's how you can help:

  • Keep showing up

  • Keep supporting us with your presence (and your membership)

  • Keep sharing your practice with your friends and family

  • Keep reaching out when you have ideas, questions, or gratitude

We are paving a path forward for Shakti that feels uncertain and exciting. Even though we can't be with you physically, we feel your presence and support.

We can do hard things together.
And while we may be separate, you are never alone.
We are here for you.


Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything Shakti (or I) can do for you. 

If you or someone you know needs financial support to be able to practice with us from home right now, please reach out or fill out our 
Shakti Scholarship form.

Thank you for giving your presence, love, and financial support that makes Shakti possible and so magical.

Some Notes About our New Way of Being Together:

  • If you are already a Shakti member, your membership has been adjusted accordingly to the new Live Stream membership.

  • If you are on a Shakti Scholarship your membership will adjust if applicable

  • If you are on 4x per month, reply to this email to upgrade to *Unlimited Live Stream for only $5 more per month

  • If you are on 8x per month, your membership will be adjusted automatically to unlimited

  • If you would like to continue to support us at your normal rate, please reply to this email (and Thank you!)

  • If  you want to help support Shakti Scholarships at this time, venmo us at @shaktiyogaathens 

  • All current members should have received an email with a link to free Shakti @ Home downloadable audio classes. If it's not, reply to this message for the link.

    • If you are not a member, you can access Shakti @ Home here.

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Ruby Chandler